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  • Writer's pictureBarbara Aitchison

Handmade - go for it

I must say I am really fond of handmade products. I probably have to thank my mum for it who was buying me original clothes when I was a child or made them herself when she couldn’t afford (most of the time). I looked like no other girl around and I learned to love it. As a young woman I was tempted to buy clothes from mass production, but when I’ve seen on the street several women wearing the same dress, I stopped this. I was looking for clothes in small boutiques or saw my dresses myself.

Now I make handmade jewellery and I will try to convince you that this is the right way. My jewellery is made in one-of-a-kind pieces and you have guaranty that nobody else has the same jewellery. On the other hand I am happy to repeat the design of piece you like and which is not available, but as a handmade product it will never be identical with the previous. Welcome to see my website:

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